- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- idaho
- Illinois
- indiana
- iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
Get your US document certified for use abroad. If you are traveling, trading, or studying outside the United States, you properly will need to certify your documents to be valid for use overseas.
Apostille stamp or “ Apostille Certificate” is required to be attached on any legal or personal document destined for use outside the United States.
The word Apostille was first introduced in the Hague Convention, which was held in the Hague 1961. The Convention abolished foreign document legalization requirements and introduced the “Apostille certification ” to replace the long bureaucratic procedures of embassy legalization with just a single certification.
See complete list of all Apostille Convention participating countries
The United States of America has signed the Apostille treaty on 1980, to abolish foreign document
legalization requirements and to replace it with the Apostille Stamp
The United State has two designated authorities, which are responsible for the issuance of the Apostille Certificate.
Which designated authority you need depends on the type of your document as follow:
All offices of the Secretaries of State all over the United State are responsible for attaching the Apostille Attestation on public State document and personal documents to be recognized for use outside the United States. Each type of document has a different legal procedure to be accepted for authentication from the office of the Secretary of State. There are a Secretary of State Office in each State in the United States:
Any corporate document issued by a US corporation and located in the same State. Company issued documents require prior notarization before a licensed notary public in the same State that issued the document. Examples of Corporate documents including, but not limited to:-
It is a document used for the exportation of goods and products outside the United States. An export document must be signed by a corporate agent and notarized by a notary public before it can be eligible for the Secretary of State Apostille.
Examples of Export documents including, but not limited to:-
Educational documents or academic credentials must be issued by the public/ private schools/ universities in the same State, where you are going to get your Apostille. Educational documents must be signed by the school/ university registrar and notarized by a commissioned notary public before it can be apostilled from the Secretary of State.
Examples of Educational Documents including, but not limited to:-
Vital records are documents issued by the state agencies such as the local health departments and doesn’t require a prior notarization.
Examples of Educational Documents including, but not limited to:-
The US State Department in Washington Dc is responsible for the issuance of Apostille Certificate on documents issued by federal entities or agencies such as the FDA, the FBI, the USPTO, the EPA, the USDA, the SSA, the IRS, and department of Homeland Security.
Examples of Federal Documents including, but not limited to:-
If you have any problem certifying your document, or you are in a time pressed situation, you can use our expedited Apostille service. Please visit www.onedayapostille.com to choose your country and compare our prices.
In our next article we will be talking about document legalization for non signatory countries to the Hague Apostille convention.