Apostille Certificate to Foreign Government -FDA Apostille

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Do you need to Apostille a Certificate to Foreign Government?

One Day Apostille provides expedited Apostille service for Certificate to Foreign Government CFG, issued by the FDA from the US Department of State in Washington DC. Your FDA document will be finished and shipped back to you after only 4 business days, fees is $50.00 per Stamp.

Apostille photocopies (PDF Format) of FDA documents in just One Business Day

FDA Export Certificates

The FDA export certificates is an official document issued by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) upon request. The certificate contains regulatory, marketing status and storage information about the exported product. The FDA issues different types of certificates, depending on the product type and the importing country. Examples are:

  • Certificate of Free Sale is for food (CFSAN)
  • EU Health Certificates for Food
  • Certificate of Foreign Government (CDER, CBER, CDRH, CVM)
  • Certificate of Exportability (CDRH,CDER, CBER, CVM)
  • Specified Risk Materials of Bovine Origin Materials (CFSAN)
  • Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product (CDER, CBER, CVM)
  • Nonclinical Research Use Only Certificate (CDRH, CBER)

The blog will focus on the” FDA Certificate to Foreign Government”. We will display the certificate’s purpose, how you can request it and all the subsequent required attestation.

FDA Certificate to Government CFG

The import market regulators in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia and Latin America require a “ Certificate to Foreign Government, issued by the FDA” to ensure that the imported product has been approved by the FDA for sale in the United States. US export companies must present “CFG” certificate to be able to market their products in the above mentioned territories.

Certificate of Foreign Government” (CDER, CBER, CDRH, CVM)

Fill the ”Certificate to Foreign Government Requests” form and file it with the appropriate center, depending on the exported product:

  1. (CVM) :Fill the request with the “Center for Veterinary Medicine” to export animal food or animal drug and devices:
    • 7519 Standish Place Rockville, MD 20855
    • T: 240-402-5508
    • E: CVMExportCertification@fda.hhs.gov.
  2. (CDRH): fill this form with the “Center for Devices and Radiological Health” to export Medical devices for human use.
    • 10903 New Hampshire Avenue, Building 66, Room 2621 ,Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
    • T:301 796-7400
    • E: exportcert@cdrh.fda.gov.
  3. (CBER):Fill this form with the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research” for the export of blood products, human tissues and biological products in general.
    • 10903 New Hampshire Ave. Building 71, Room G112, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
    • T:240-402- 9155
    • E: CBERBECATS@fda.hhs.gov.
  • After you have prepared your certificate, it is time now for authentication in order for your document to be valid for use outside the United States.
  • Document Apostille or legalization is a cumbersome process that requires you to follow a series of complicated procedures until you obtain your required certification. If you miss any step, or misspelled any address, your document may be refused or lost.
  • We have been providing U.S. corporations and individuals with professional authentication service for more than 30 years. We have the experience you need to finish your document fast and with the best available price in the United States.
  • If you found any problem authenticating your document, you can order the help of an expedited certification service provider like One Day Apostille
  • If you are going to use your document in one of the Hague Convention Apostille Countries you will need to Apostille your document to be valid for use there.
  • We provide fast Apostille service within (1-4) business days, depending on the type of the document, in charge of just $50.00 per Document.
  • If you are going to use your document in a Non- Hague Country, you will need to get your document legalized from the embassy of the destination country in Washington DC.
  • We charge ($100.00 as a service fee + government fee) per document for embassy legalization. We will authenticate your document from the US Department of State and legalize the document from the embassy in Washington DC.
  • Call to ask about Express Apostille for PDF Documents- You must call first
  • Send us an envelope that contains all the following:
    • 1615 Bay Head Rd, Annapolis MD 21409
    • T: (410)349-1212
    • E: Support@onedayapostille.com